If you would like your group to be listed here, please e-mail a brief description of the services you provide and your contact information to amuse@phpubs.com. Any agency or organization that provides services to people with HIV can be included. If you have a website, we will include a link to your page if you provide a reciprocal link. Click on a state to view individual agency/organization information. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming Unity Wellness Center Unity Wellness Center (East Alabama Medical Center) is a nonprofit organization in east-central Alabama. AIDS Outreach serves the needs of community members in Lee, Macon, Russell, Chambers and Tallapoosa Counties, with a few extended services is Coosa, Clay, Talladega, and Randolph Counties. AIDS Action Coalition The AIDS Action Coalition/Davis Clinic provides comprehensive healthcare to 530 active clients in the 12 counties of North Alabama. Services include case management, laboratory services, mental health, substance abuse counseling referrals, dental referrals, HOPWA assistance, transportation, translation, counseling and testing for HIV (on and off-site) and education in the community. For more information, click on www.aidsactioncoalition.org. Birmingham AIDS Outreach Birmingham AIDS Outreach is a professional agency with a full-time staff of nine providing client services and prevention education programs in the greater Birmingham and surrounding areas. Services include case management, counseling, support groups, transportation assistance, education, hair cuts, massages and more. For more information, log on to www.birminghamaidsoutrreach.org. Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association Anchorage Office: Juneau Office: The mission of the Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association is to be a key collaborator within the state of Alaska in the provision of supportive services to persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families and in the elimination of the transmission of HIV infection and its stigma. For more information, see www.alaskanaids.org. The Southwest Center for HIV/AIDS For more information, see www.swhiv.org. The Phoenxi SHANTI Group The mission of the Phoenix Shanti Group is to provide housing, education and direct client services to individuals, families and loved ones infected with and affected by HIV / AIDS. "Shanti" is a Sanskrit word meaning "inner peace" which reflects our approach of promoting personal empowerment and maintaining independence and dignity. For more information, see www.shantiaz.org.
Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation For more information, click on: www.saaf.org.
Arkansas AIDS Foundation For more information, see: www.araidsfoundation.org. El Proyecto del Barrio El Proyecto del Bario is a bi-lingual (English/Spanish) ASO offering free HIV counseling and testing, case management, mental health and medical outpatient services. For more information, see www.elproyectodelbarrio.org. AIDS Services Foundation, (ASF) Orange County For more information, www.ocasf.org. Project Chicken Soup Project Chicken Soup is a non-profit organization that prepares and delivers free, nutritious, kosher meals to people in the greater Los Angeles area living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and other serious illnesses. These services are provided with love and compassion to all persons regardless of faith or religious belief. Project Chicken Soup provides nutritious food and comfort to make a difference in the lives of people in need, serving them with dignity and respect in a nurturing environment. We do this out of an abiding sense of love and justice, seeking to heal the world through service to humankind by providing nourishment and empowerment to those we serve. For more information, www.projectchickensoup.org. Women Alive Women Alive has a goal of bringing women affected and infected with HIV/AIDS out of isolation through information, encouragement and emotional support. For more information, www.women-alive.org. AIDS Project Los Angeles For more information, see www.apla.org. AIDS Healthcare Foundation AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) provides comprehensive medical care and antiretroviral therapy to people with HIV/AIDS at 14 outpatient clinics in Los Angeles, CA; San Francisco and Oakland; and Jacksonville, FL. Additionally, AHF has a presence in 17 countries providing direct medical care and antiretroviral treatment in resource-constrained countries. Its Public Health Division operates California's largest HIV and sexually-transmitted disease testing and counseling program, free of charge to participants. AHF's Positive Healthcare health plans and disease management programs provide a range of medical care coverage specifically for Medi-Cal and Medicare beneficiaries living with HIV/AIDS in select Florida and California counties. Other services include AHF pharmacies, research, and the "Out of the Closet" thrift stores. For more information, see: www.aidshealth.org. BIENESTAR East Los Angeles BIENESTAR originated as a direct result of neglect and non-existent HIV/AIDS services for the Latino community. Since our establishment, BIENESTAR has evolved into a multi-service, multi-center agency, offering services throughout Los Angeles, San Bernardino, San Diego, and Riverside Counties. Please visit their website to access all of their locations. For more information, see: www.bienestar.org. CHIRP/LA CHIRP/LA is a housing information and referral program dedicated to preventing homelessness and improving the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS in Los Angeles County. CHIRP/LA has collaborated with local AIDS Service Organizations and community-based organizations to develop an extensive clearinghouse of information and referrals for housing options as well as other related support services. For more information, see: www.chirpla.org.
AIDS Assistance Program The AIDS Assistance Program is a non-profit volunteer-driven organization with the goal of providing support to low-income men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS in the Greater Palm Springs Area. For more information, see: aidsassistance.org. Desert AIDS Project For more information, see: www.desertaidsproject.org. AIDS Project East Bay For more information, see: www.apeb.org. AIDS Community Research Consortium (ACRC) ACRC provides health education and risk reduction services in both English and Spanish to HIV-positive individuals, food services for low income, HIV-positive individuals living in San Mateo County, Hepatitis C health education, and other educational and social activities for people living with HIV. For more information, see: www.acrc.org. CARES As the largest HIV/AIDS nonprofit clinic in the Sacramento region, CARES is a place of hope for thousands of people from all over the Central Valley who need testing, clinic services and counseling. Since CARES began in 1989, we've made incredible strides in our treatment options for people living with HIV/AIDS, our long-term financial stability, and our role as a leader in the Sacramento community. For more information, see: www.caresclinic.org. Central Coast HIV/AIDS Services, Salinas Office Central Coast HIV/AIDS Services, Peninsula Office For more information, see: cchas.org. Being Alive San Diego For more information, see: www.beingalive.org. Positive Resource Center Positive Resource Center (PRC) is a community-based 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to assist people affected by or at risk of HIV/AIDS through culturally appropriate counseling, education, training and advocacy. As a result, our clients can make more informed choices that maximize available benefits and employment opportunities. For more information, see: www.positiveresource.org. Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center is a health services, education, research, and policy organization. Our mission is to educate, support, empower and advocate for Asian and Pacific Islander (A&PI) communities�particularly A&PIs living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS. For more information, see: www.apiwellness.org. Native American AIDS Project For more information, see: www.naap-ca.org. San Francisco AIDS Foundation For more information, see www.sfaf.org. Shanti Project For more information, see www.shanti.org. Project Inform For more information, see www.projectinform.org. AIDS Support Network - San Luis Obispo County For more information, see www.asn.org. Marin AIDS Project For more information, see www.marinaidsproject.org. Santa Cruz AIDS Project For more information, see www.encompasscs.org. Santa Clara County Public Health - The Crane Center For more information, see: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/sccphd/en-us/Residents/HivResources/Pages/default.aspx. Needle Exchange Program: https://www.sccgov.org/sites/sccphd/en-us/Residents/HivResources/Pages/Needle-Exchange-Program.aspx. Santa Clara Valley Medical Center For more information, see https://www.scvmc.org/services/pace/Pages/default.aspx. For a list of locations please click: The Health Trust AIDS Services: For more information, see http://healthtrust.org/services/aids-services/. Common Ground Westside For more information, see www.commongroundwestside.org. Face to Face/Sonoma County AIDS Network Services include case management, benefits counseling, housing assistance, prevention information and education, volunteer services including peer coaching, practical support in the home, transportation to health care appointments, and referrals for medical, dental, and mental health care. For more information, see: www.f2f.org. San Joaquin AIDS Foundation The San Joaquin AIDS Foundation provides HIV case management, information and referrals; support groups for HIV-positive individuals and their partners; hepatitis C support groups; G/L/B/T Alcoholics Anonymous group; and comprehensive HIV education. The organization also offers a variety of outreach and education programs for at-risk members of the community. For more information, see www.sanjoaquinaidsfoundation.org. Southern Colorado AIDS Project For more information, see www.s-cap.org.
Colorado AIDS Project For more information, click on: www.coloradoaidsproject.org. Northern Colorado AIDS Project Western Colorado AIDS Project, West CAP For more information, click on: http://www.westcap.info/. Northern Colorado AIDS Project For more information, click on: http://www.ncaids.org/.
Optimus Health Care, Inc. For more information, click on: www.optimushealthcare.org. Latino Community Services Latino Community Services is a comprehensive HIV/AIDS non-profit organization serving Latino clients, as well as the general public, in the Hartford area. Founded in 1986 as Latinos/as Contra SIDA, it serves a community need for culturally appropriate programs and interventions to prevent HIV infection and to support those living with HIV/AIDS. For more information, click on: www.lcs-ct.org. Hispanos Unidos, Inc. Hispanos Unidos, Inc. was the first Latino organization in Connecticut to become involved with the problems generated by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It was founded in 1987 as an organization of education and prevention of HIV/AIDS. The organization works in coordination with other groups to facilitate access to services withing the Greater New Haven area. The staff is fully bilingual and bi-cultural. Services provided are: case management, mental health, prevention and education, client advocacy, referral services, outreach services, treatment adherence, substance abuse counseling, statewide evaluation bank, and summer camp for affected children. For more information, see: www.hispanos-unidos.org. Mid-Fairfield AIDS Project For more information, see: www.mfap.com. The Guardian Health Association, Inc. The Guardian Health Association maintains an excellent web site for people with HIV or AIDS in Connecticut. The site includes the Connecticut Online Resources Guide, the Connecticut Statewide HIV Community Calendar, and Connecticut HIV News. Click on www.guardianhealth.org. AIDS Project Hartford AIDS Project Hartford was founded by a committed core of volunteers in 1975 as a grassroots response to the AIDS crisis. It is the second oldest AIDS Service Organization in Connecticut. AIDS Project Hartford offers an array of services for people living with HIV/AIDS including case management, intensive housing support and substance abuse/mental health treatment advocacy. Case managers conduct a comprehensive assessment for each client to determine specific needs that can include medical care, psychological support, housing, food, advocacy, mental health services and substance abuse treatment. All calls are confidential and all services are free. For more information, see: www.aidsprojecthartford.org. Alliance for Living The Alliance for Living is dedicated to improving the quality of life for people affected by HIV/AIDS in New London County, CT. Agency services include case management, legal, medical and dental referrals, transportation, prescription assistance, nutrition supplements, housing assistance, a drop-in center, support groups and individual counseling, educational workshops, alternative therapies, social/recreational activities, and a children's room. For more information, see: www.Allianceforliving.org. Catholic Charities, New Castle County Office Catholic Charities, Kent County Office Catholic Charities, Sussex County Office HIV Services of Catholic Charities provides emotional, educational, material, and emergency financial help to Delawareans living with HIV/AIDS and their families. For more information, see: www.cdow.org.
AIDS Delaware For more information, see: www.aidsdelaware.org.
DC Care Consortium For more information: www.dccare.org.
AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth & Families AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth & Families is a national non-profit membership organization. We were established in 1994 to give voice to the needs of women, children, youth, and families living with and affected by HIV and AIDS. For more information: www.aids-alliance.org. Trinity Charities, Inc. 7225 N. Lockwood Ridge Rd Sarasota, FL 34243 Ph: 941 351-4347 Email: info@trinitycharities.org. Trinity Charities originated from Church of the Trinity MCC in Sarasota, FL. Now an independent agency, it serves the Sarasota/Bradenton area of South West Florida. Services include a weekly peer-led POZ M4M support group, a Healthy PWA Dietary Class, an emergency fund, a food pantry, and a yearly update seminar on the latest HIV issues. For more information, see: www.trinitycharities.org. Northeast Florida AIDS Network For more information, click on www.nfanjax.org. River Region Human Services River Region Human Services provides treatment for HIV/AIDS, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse. For more information, click on www.rrhs.org. Care Resource Care Resource BASIC of Northwest Florida, Inc. BASIC of Northwest Florida, Inc. is a minority governed non-profit community based organization dedicated to aiding and assisting those living with HIV/AIDS, their families and friends, and providing awareness, education and prevention information to the residents of Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson and Washington counties in Northwest Florida. Through case management, the agency provides access to medical care including medications, mental health and substance abuse services, housing, food and transportation. For more information: www.basicnwfl.com. AIDS Help, Inc. AIDS Help, Inc., a non-profit, community-based organization, provides case-managed health care, housing, food, counseling, referral and support services for HIV-infected residents of Monroe County (The Florida Keys.) See www.aidshelp.cc.
AID Atlanta For more information: www.aidatlanta.org. GA AIDS/STD InfoLine
Life Foundation For more information: www.lifefoundation.org. Hawaii Island HIV/AIDS Foundation East Hawaii Office:
West Hawaii Office: For more information: www.hihaf.org.
Maui AIDS Foundation For more information: www.mauiaids.org. North Idaho AIDS Coalition For more information: www.northidahoaidscoalition.org. Alexian Brothers AIDS Ministry - Bonaventure House Alexian Brothers AIDS Ministry - The Harbor Guided by the Alexian Brothers' vision of providing care, compassion, and dignity for the marginalized person, the vision of Bonaventure House in Chicago and The Harbor in Lake County, is to transform the lives of people with HIV/AIDS within a compassionate, supportive community. For more information: http://www.alexianbrothershousing.org/. Test Positive Aware Network Test Positive Aware Network (TRAN) provides up-to-date treatment education and peer-led support services. TPAN is a self-help organization which provides resources, referrals and peer-led support groups, medical clinic, needle exchange, yoga, speaker's bureau, and resource center for people living with and impacted by HIV. TPAN publishes the bi-monthly national HIV treatement journal, Positively Aware magazine, and the free Illinois HIV Services and Professionals Directory. For more information: www.tpan.com. AIDS Task Force, Inc. For more information: www.aidsfortwayne.org.
Damien Center For more information: www.damien.org. The Kristen Center For more information: www.thekristencenter.com. Indiana AIDS Fund For more information: www.indianaaidsfund.org.
AIDS Project Quad Cities For more information: http://www.tpqc.org/. AIDS Project of Central Iowa For more information: www.aidsprojectci.org.
Topeka AIDS Project Matthew 25 AIDS Services Matthew 25 AIDS Services provides services to people with HIV or AIDS in the tri-state area including Henderson, KY, Evansville, IN, and Owensboro, KY. For more information: www.matthew25clinic.org. In This Together In This Together is a social service agency that provides comprehensive services to individuals and families infected/affected with HIV/AIDS living in New Orleans and her surrounding parishes.
NO/AIDS Task Force For more information: www.noaidstaskforce.org. Eastern Maine AIDS Network Merrymeeting AIDS Support Services Agency services include: The Buddy Program, HIV, STD, Hepatitis Prevention Education, Prevention Outreach, Support Groups, and Individual Counseling. For more information: www.allaboutprevention.org.
AIDS Action Baltimore, Inc. For more information: www.aidsactionbaltimore.org. Boston HAPPENS Program Boston HAPPENS Program at Children's Hospital Boston provides services to youth, 12 - 24 years old, who are HIV-positive or at risk for the disease and other STDs. Free HIV counseling and testing, support groups, case management and programs referrals. Bilingual services (English/Espanol) are available with biligual providers. Interpreters for other languages are available. For more information, click on http://www.childrenshospital.org/. North Shore Health Project The North Short Health Project (formerly the North Shore AIDS Health Project) is committed to promoting wellness in people living with HIV, AIDS, and Hepatitis C by providing free holistic health care, support services, information and outreach in a safe, caring and confidential environment. The agency offers case management, acupuncture, massage, congregate meals, nutritional counseling and groceries, a drop-in center, educational programs, a clothing boutique, speaker's bureau, and referrals for legal, medical and other services. All services are free. For more information, see www.healthproject.org.
CARES CARES in Benton Harbor: The mission of Community AIDS Resource and Education Services of Southwest Michigan (CARES)is to minimize further transmission of HIV and to maximize the quality of life for all persons affected by the virus. Services include education and prevention initiatives, along with case management for those affected by HIV. For more information, see www.caresswm.org.
AIDS Partnership Michigan For more information: www.aidspartnership.org.
Minnesota AIDS Project For more information: www.mnaidsproject.org. HIV/AIDS Resource Center For more information: www.hivaidsresource.org.
Kansas City Free Health Clinic For more information: www.kcfree.org.
Kansas City Free Health Clinic For more information: www.kcfree.org.
Regional AIDS Interfaith Network of Central Missouri For more information: www.missourirain.org. South Mississippi AIDS Task Force For more information: www.smatf.com.
Building Bridges, Inc. For more information: www.bbims.org.
Yellowstone AIDS Project For more information: www.yapmt.org.
Nebraska AIDS Project - MAIN Office For more information: www.nap.org. Nebraska AIDS Project - Lincoln Office Nebraska AIDS Project - Norfolk Office Nebraska AIDS Project - Scottsbluff Office
AID for AIDS of Nevada For more information: www.afanlv.org. Nevada AIDS Project For more information: www.nevadaaidsproject.org. The Southern N.H. HIV/AIDS Task Force For more information: www.aidstaskforcenh.org.
AIDS Response Seacoast For more information: www.aidsresponse.org.
Early Intervention Program Since 1990, the Early Intervention Program at Cooper Univeristy Hospital has provided compehensive, confidential services to people with HIV/AIDS. Services are provided by a dedicated medical team including board-certified infectious disease specialists who are also on the teaching staff of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. They are joined by nurse practitioners, nurses, therapists, counselors, educators and case managers. Services include: Medical care; complete laboratory and radiographic evaluations; psychological services; nutritional assessment and care; substance abuse assessment and referral; patient education; treatment adherence management; enrollent in HIV/AIDS clinical trials; referrals for dental care; free rapid HIV testing that gives results in 20 minutes; HIV medical services to clients in correctional facilities; coordination of HIV care and treatment between adult and pediatric programs; and access to the Women's Care Center and Children's Regional Center at Cooper University Hospital. For more information: www.cooperhealth.org. Newark EMA HIV Health Services Planning Council For more information: www.newarkema.org.
Hyacinth AIDS Foundation For more information: www.hyacinth.org.
CAPCO Resource Center The Coalition on AIDS in Passaic County, Inc. (CAPCO)was founded in 1985 in response to the HIV/AIDS crisis. Since that time, CAPCO has operated a resource center to meet the needs of individuals and families infected/affected by HIV. CAPCO Resource Center services are grant funded so they are free to eligible consumers. Services include: Case Management, Prevention, Pharmaceutical Assistance, Housing Assistance, Food Assistance, and Complementary Therapies. For more information: www.capcoresource.org.
New Mexico AIDS Services, Main Office For more information: www.nmas.net.
New Mexico AIDS Services, Farmington For more information: www.nmas.net. Alianza of New Mexico For more information: www.alianzanm.org. AIDS Care AIDS Care AIDS Care The Health Outreach Project/AIDS Care AIDS Care was formed on January 1, 2010 as a result of the merger of AIDS Community Health Center and AIDS Rochester. AIDS Care was created so that its parent organizations could most effectively use their combined resources to prevent additional HIV infection and provide the best services possible for those already infected. For more information, click on www.acrochester.org.
ARCS Headquarters - AIDS-Related Community Services ARCS ARCS ARCS ARCS ARCS ARCS ARCS AIDS-Related Community Services (ARCS) is the largest organization solely dedicated to providing HIV/AIDS services to people in New York's Hudson Valley region. It was founded in 1983 by a small group of lesbian and gay citizens who refused to stand idly by in the face of government inaction as this disease devastated those they loved. Since then, the agency has grown to service the needs of over 10,000 community members annually through our locations in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, and Westchester counties. A professional and caring staff provides quality case management, client advocacy, emergency assistance, education, outreach, and prevention for adults, children, and families, as well as the general community. We believe in building partnerships with clients to guide them, and give them the information they need to make informed decisions for themselves. For more information, click on http://www.hudsonvalleycs.org/index.php.
Housing Works Housing works is an adult day health care and residential program for people with HIV. Services include: full-time medical and nursing, nutrition, harm reduction-based substance use services, case management, psychosocial support and psychiatric therapy, art therapy, life skills and computer training, fitness program/gym, free hot breakfast and lunch. For more information, click on www.housingworks.org. Bridging Access to Care Brooklyn AIDS Task Force, Chapel Street/Fort Greene Location Brooklyn AIDS Task Force, Williamsburg Location Brooklyn AIDS Task Force, Church Avenue/Flatbush Location The Bridging Access to Care(BATF) offers holistic service plans for people and families living with HIV/AIDS. For more information, see: http://www.bac-ny.org/ny/. Bronx AIDS Services Bronx AIDS Services (BAS) is an AIDS Service Organization that helps more than 25,000 Bronx residents each year with an array of free services designed to meet the needs of this ethnically and culturally diverse community. Founded in 1986, BAS provides food; nutrition and supportive counseling; legal advocacy; outreach, prevention and education; domestic violence education; peer mentoring; and case management services in four facilities in the Bronx, in two mobile vans used with outreach activities and at other Bronx community organizations. For more information, click on nmahedo@acqc.org. The AIDS Center of Queens County (ACQC) is the largest community-based organization in Queens dedicated solely to serving people with HIV/AIDS and their loved ones. For more information, click on: www.acqc.org. Latino Commission on AIDS For more information, click on: www.latinoaids.org. Gay Men's Health Crisis (GMHC) Despite its name, GMHC provides comprehensive services to everyone infected with HIV. For more information on this well-respected ASO, see gmhc.org. AIDS Service Center NYC For more information, click on www.ascnyc.org. Selfhelp Special Family Homecare Description: Selfhelp Special Family Homecare is a special needs certified home health agency that is Certified by the Department of Health to uniquely approach comprehensive care for individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS. In addition to a specialization in HIV/AIDS disease management, Selfhelp special Family Homecare provides specialized care to patients with other chronic diseases. Our interdisciplinary approach may include nursing, social work, physical and occupational therapies, behavioral health assessment and intervention, nutrition education and home health aid services. We service clients in the boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and the Bronx. Dependent on each client's requirements care plans involve special approaches that specifically encourage quality care and compassionate support for our clients. For more information, click on: www.selfhelp.net. Contact: Intake Department 24 hours/ 7 days a week for a referral: 212-971-5471/ fax: 212-290-8039 Carolinas CARE Partnership The mission of the Carolinas CARE Partnership is to foster and ensure a regional approach to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS, and to meet with compassion and dignity the needs of those affected by these diseases. For more information, click here www.carolinascare.org. AIDS Leadership Foothills-area Alliance (ALFA) AIDS Leadership Foothills-area Alliance is a 501 (c) agency serving eight counties in Western North Carolina: Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Watauga and Wikes. Since 1987, ALFA has offered resource/referral and case management services to those living with HIV/AIDS; as well as HIV prevention education programs, HIV Counseling and Testing Services, and volunteer opportunities to the community at large. All services are free and confidential. See www.alfainfo.org. Alliance of AIDS Services Alliance of AIDS Services, Durham Location For more information, click on www.aas-c.org.
STOP AIDS of Cincinnati For more information: www.avoc.org. Ohio AIDS Coalition Ohio AIDS Coalition, Cleveland Office For more information: www.ohioaidscoalition.org. Columbus AIDS Task Force Columbus AIDS Task Force (CATF) is a full-service, community-based, non-profit AIDS Service Organization providing comprehensive care services, educational programs and an HIV testing program. CATF's mission is to fight the spread of HIV; reduce its transmission, stigma and the resulting discrimination through education and awareness; and provide quality services to individuals and families affected by HIV/AIDS. CATF has a full-time staff of 45, approximately 500 volunteers, and a total budget of $3.5 million. CATF primarily serves the seven counties making up the Central Ohio region; however, some of its programs serve Southeastern Ohio and other parts of the state. CATF is a United Way member agency and is nationally recognized as one of the top AIDS Service Organizations in the country. For more information: www.arcohio.org.
RAIN For more information: www.rainoklahoma.org. Tulsa Cares For more information: www.tulsacares.org . HIV Alliance For more information: http://hivalliance.org/.
Partnership Project Parnership Project in Portland provides case management services to people living with HIV. For more information: www.ohsu.edu/partnership.
Cascade AIDS Project For more information: www.cascadeaids.org. Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon - HIV Services The Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon's HIV Services program is a staff/volunteer/participant community that strives to address basic needs of individuals living with HIV/AIDS in a manner consistent with the values of respect, compassion and safety. For more information: www.emoregon.org. Family Services Since its creation in 1989, Family Services Project HOPE has focused on four basic principles. Those principles lead Project Hope staff to work with clients so that the clients (1) find affordable housing, (2) are assured adequate nutrition, (3) become linked to appropriate medical care, and (4) achieve a basic income. These goals guide the HOPE staff as the only full-service HIV/AIDS program in Montgomery County. Project HOPE staff also does extensive prevention education work in schools, high-risk community locations, shelters, and other public sites. Outreach offices are located in Eagleville, North Penn, and Pottstown and our outreach workers go to a variety of other communities. Some of the most frequently used services are: case management (an overall plan for care and necessities), counseling and testing for HIV, dental care (dental visits for uninsured or underinsured individuals) transportation, counseling services, and food vouchers. For more information: www.fsmontco.org. Bebashi BEBASHI was founded in 1985 in response to the increasing incidence of HIV/AIDS in the African American community of Philadelphia. We are a full-service HIV/AIDS case management agency with a special interest in serving low-income people of color with HIV disease. Our mission is to provide culturally sensitive health related information, direct service, research, and technical assistance to the urban community. The programs are designed to meet the needs of the underserved community and our educational efforts focus on street outreach to areas of the community most in need of prevention information and direct care services to those who are least likely to receive it. In 2004 we provided services to 15,000 Philadelphians and over 500,000 individuals since 1985! For more information: www.bebashi.org. Philadelphia FIGHT Philadelphia FIGHT (FIGHT) is a comprehensive AIDS service organization providing primary care, consumer education, advocacy and research on potential treatments and vaccines. FIGHT was formed as a partnership of individuals living with HIV/AIDS and clinicians, who joined together to improve the lives of people living with the disease. For more information: www.fight.org. Mazzoni Center Mazzoni Center is a multi-service social service organization founded in 1979 to address the unique healthcare need of the LGBT communities in Philadelphia. In 1982, in response to the emerging AIDS epidemic, the organization was the first to provide HIV-related services in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Services include: education and outreach; rapid and conventional HIV testing; risk reduction counseling; HIV case management; HIV medical care; mental health and substance abuse counseling; regional HIV food bank; housing subsidy program. For more information: www.mazzonicenter.org.
ActionAIDS For more information: www.actionaids.org. Catholic Social Services of Scranton CSS of Lackawanna County is a non-profit faith-based organization that provides supportive case management services to persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families in the six counties of Northeast Pennsylvania: Lackawanna, Luzerne, Pike, Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyoming. Funding is received from Ryan White Title II and HOPWA. Services are available to all clients regardless of race, age, gender, disability, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, political affiliation or religion. Currently employs two traditional case managers and one rural case manager. Normal hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. All services free and confidential. For more information: www.cssdioceseofscranton.org.
AIDS Care Ocean State For more information: www.aidscareos.org. AIDS Project Rhode Island For more information: www.aidsprojectri.org. Roper St. Francis Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital 2095 Henry Tecklenburg Drive West Building, Suite 201 Charleston, SC 29414 Ph: 843 402-1000 For more information: http://www.rsfh.com/. Palmetto AIDS Life Support Services (PALSS) Palmetto AIDS Life Support Services (PALSS) was formed in 1985 to help South Carolinians fight the war against AIDS. PALSS offers free services to people who have been diagnosed or who are at risk for contracting HIV/AIDS. PALSS can assist with medical, housing food and clothing. Trained staff is available for communitity presentations or one-on-one consultations in person or by phone. PALSS offers case management services, the EMPACT program for HIV+ African-American men, the Women's Health Council Project which provides women with the skills to protect themselves and others from HIV, and the Discharge Planning program which links incarcerated HIV+ inmates to medical services once they are released. For more information, click on www.palss.org. SC HIV AIDS Council1115 Calhoun Street Columbia, SC 29201 Ph: 803 254-6644 For more information: www.schivaidscouncil.org. Lowcountry AIDS Services Lowcountry AIDS Services provides a range of serivces to people living with HIV, including case management, volunteer program, support groups, education, speaker's bureau, legal services, advocacy, housing assistance, financial assistance, nutrition information, and free HIV testing. For more information: www.aids-services.com. Catawba Care Catawba Care Coalition provides medical care, case management, emergency financial assistance, transportation help, nutrition counseling and support groups for people living with HIV/AIDS in York, Chester and Lancaster counties. The organization also offers education and outreach to the wider community, including free HIV testing. Volunteers are accepted and appreciated. For more information, see www.catawbacare.org Piedmont Care, Inc. Piedmont Care, Inc. is the nonprofit organization providing HIV/AIDS care, prevention and advocacy in Spartanburg, Cherokee and Union counties of South Carolina. For more information: www.piedmontcare.org.
Samaritan Ministry Samaritan Ministry is a faith-based AIDS Service Organization that was founded in 1996. Wayne Smith is the Director of this ministry, which operates under the auspices of Central Baptist Church of Bearden in Knoxville, Tennessee. We enjoy indirect CDC funding in prevention through the Tennessee Department of Health and also receive partnership funding from The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and a variety of secular and religious not-for profit organizations. We seek to serve people, primarily in East Tennessee, who are living with HIV/AIDS through direct support and by way of our significant network of service providers. We are also involved in education and awareness programming in churches, public schools, and in colleges and universities. We are very conscious of the need for continued education and awareness about this ongoing global and domestic threat to mankind. We are committed to take every opportunity to advocate, teach, and otherwise seek support in this fight against HIV & AIDS. We are most concerned that Christians and churches respond appropriately to this epidemic with open arms and hearts, living out the model set for us by Jesus Christ. For more information: www.samaritancentral.org. Friends For Life Corporation43 N. Cleveland Street Memphis, TN 38104 Ph: 901 272-0855 For more information: www.friendsforlifecorp.org. Nashville CARES501 Brick Church Park Drive Nashville, TN 37207 Ph: 615 259-4866 For more information: www.nashvillecares.org. The Wright House Wellness Center The philosophy of The Wright House Wellness Center is to help people living with or at-risk for chronic illnesses make healthier life-style choices, employ holistic health therapies to delay illness, and contribute back to the community. We provide no- to low-cost support, education and resources for persons living with HIV/AIDS, cancer and hepatitis C. Most of the services provided by the Wright House are free to the client. Other services are offered on a sliding scale based on income, or are offered at a reduced flat fee. The Wright House is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization funded by a combination of private and public sources and receives monetary and in-kind support from a variety of individuals and organizations. Dedicated volunteers and practitioners donate their time and talents to ensure that programs and services are available to clients of the center. For more information: www.thewrighthouse.org.
Texas HIV Connection The Texas HIV Connection is dedicated to decreasing substance abuse and HIV disease by increasing awareness, education, personal involvement and participation in the prevention of these and other related diseases. The Texas HIV Connection (also commonly referred to as the "HIV Connection") provides training, information and resources about the relationship between substance use, HIV/AIDS and related diseases. This program is one of several training components within Workers Assistance Program, Inc. and is funded by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS). For more information: www.hivconnection.org. AIDS Interfaith Network AIDS Interfaith Network was created in 1986 by a group of clergy and pastoral and lay counselors who were providing spiritual and emotional support services to persons living with HIV/AIDS. These same individuals were attempting to educate clergy, churches, and their congregations about HIV/AIDS in an effort to promote a more compassionate response to those who were struggling with the disease. Rapidly, AIN began to see that clients needed practical support as well as spiritual support, and began recruiting and training volunteers from local churches, synagogues, and other faith organizations to provide in-home, non-nursing support such as, laundry, cooking, cleaning, and other light housework. For more information: www.aidsinterfaithnetwork.org.
AIDS Arms, Inc. AIDS Arms, Inc. For more information: www.aidsarms.org. Resource Center Dallas, Nelson-Tebedo Health Resource Center The Nelson-Tebedo Community Clinic is located in the heart of the Oak Lawn area of Dallas. Named for Bill Nelson and Terry Tebedo, the clinic has been serving the community for more than 23 years. Nelson-Tebedo Community Clinic offers low-cost, confidential testing for sexually transmitted diseases, Hepatitis A & B and both confidential and anonymous HIV testing. For more information: www.resourcecenterdallas.org. AIDS Outreach Center For more information: www.aoc.org. AIDS Foundation Houston, Inc. For more information: www.aidshelp.org. Houston Area Community Services, Inc. For more information, see www.hacstxs.org. St. Hope Foundation, Inc. The St. Hope Foundation has clinics in Bellaire/Houston, Conroe and Stafford, Texas. It offers comprehensive medical services for people with HIV or AIDS. For more information, see www.offeringhope.org. PanWest, HIV Services Administrative Agency The mission of the Lubbock Regional MHMR Center HIV Services Administrative Agency is to develop and coordinate an effective and comprehensive community-wide response to HIV/AIDS through planning, prioritization of services and categorically allocating Ryan White Part B and State Services funds for HIV/AIDS services for the six counties of West Texas, Area 1, (El Paso) and fifty-eight (58) counties of PanWest, Area 2 (Amarillo, Lubbock, and the Permian Basin that includes Midland/Odessa)." For more information, see www.panwest.org. San Antonio AIDS Foundation San Antonio AIDS Foundation (SAAF), established in 1986, provides residential 24-hour skilled nursing/hospice care, hot meal program (3 meals daily), case management/client advocacy, long-term tenant based rental assistance, adjunctive therapies of acupuncture and massage therapy, dental care, HIV prevention education, and HIV testing and counseling in Spanish and English. All services are free. Residential skilled nursing/hospice and hot meal programs are seven days a week, all other programs are available Monday through Friday. For more information, click on: www.txsaaf.org. Alamo Area Resource Center The Alamo Area Resource Center (AARC) was founded in 1990 to assist in the needs of individuals who are homeless, disabled or facing life challenging illnesses, including, but not limited to HIV/AIDS in Bexar County and the surrounding area. For more information, click on: www.aarcsa.com.
People With AIDS Coalition of Utah The People With AIDS Coalition of Utah is dedicated to providing educational and support services that enhance the quality of life for all people impacted by HIV/AIDS. For more information, click on: www.pwacu.org.
Utah AIDS Foundation The Utah AIDS Foundation offers case management services, free of charge, to anyone living with HIV/AIDS, including children, adolescents, and their families. A UAF case manager can help you with transportation, housing, mental health services, substance abuse treatment, support groups, food and meal services, benefits advocacy, financial assistance, and much more. For more information: www.utahaids.org. Vermont CARES Vermont CARES, Montpelier Office Vermont CARES, Rutland Office Vermont CARES, St. Johnsbury Office For more information: www.vtcares.org.
AIDS Project of Southern Vermont, Brattleboro Office AIDS Project of Southern Vermont, Bennington Office For more information: www.aidsprojectsouthernvermont.org.
The Vermont PWA Coalition, Inc. For more information: www.vtpwac.org. Karing with Individuality, Inc. Our purpose is to educate and assist communities of color in response to disparities in healthcare delivery. Our mission is to improve the quality of life, health and healthcare services for those in our community most in need through intensive and culturally specific outreach, education and counseling services. For more information: www.kiservices.org. Fredericksburg Area HIV/AIDS Support Services FAHASS is a private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to help empower persons infected with and affected by HIV and AIDS, by acting as their advocate and providing emotional, educational and emergency financial assistance. It is through compassion and service that we educate and reach out to our communities. For more information: wwww.fahass.org. Virginia Commonwealth University,
HIV/AIDS Center The mission of the VCU HIV/AIDS Center is to improve the health and social condition of persons living with HIV infection and to prevent the spread of HIV. To accomplish this mission, excellence in HIV clinical care is combined with globally relevant clinical, translational, and prevention research as well as involvement in multidisciplinary HIV-related education activities and public policy throughout Virginia. Collaboration with numerous VCU, local, state and federal individuals and agencies make this mission possible. For more information: www.hivcenter.vcu.edu. Fan Free Clinic For more information: www.fanfreeclinic.org.
Inova Juniper Program
Sean Humphrey House Sean Humphrey House (SHH) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Bellingham, Washington whose mission is to optimize the quality of life for low-income individuals living with HIV/AIDS, who may also suffer from other diseases and disabilities, and who are unable to live independently. For more information: www.seanhumphreyhouse.org. Lifelong AIDS Alliance For more information: www.lifelongaidsalliance.org. Bailey-Boushay House Built by AIDS Housing of Washington, now known as Building Changes, Bailey-Boushay House opened its doors on June 24, 1992 as America's first skilled nursing facility that was planned, funded, built and staffed to meet the needs of people living with AIDS. For more information: www.baileyboushay.org. Seattle AIDS Support Groups& Community Center Q Youth Resources/Kitsap County HIV AIDS Foundation For more information, click on www.kchaf.org.
Spokane AIDS Network The mission of the Spokane AIDS Network (SAN) is to reduce the impact of, and maximize awareness about, AIDS and other consequences of HIV infection in the Inland Northwest. SAN has more than 20 years experience providing direct care services to people living with HIV/AIDS and educating the community about HIV transmission and prevention. It is the largest comprehensive HIV/AIDS service organization in the state of Washington east of the Cascades. SAN offers case management, client advocacy, treatment adherence and nutritional counseling, a supplemental grocery program, and a prevention program. For more information, click on www.san-nw.org. Pierce County AIDS For more information, click on http://www.piercecountyaids.org/. Aids Tri-State Task Force AIDS Network of Tri-State
AIDS Network
AIDS Network
AIDS Network For more information: www.aidsnetwork.org.
AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Madison Location The AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin is among the largest and most comprehensive AIDS service agencies in the country. We provide comprehensive health care services and a vast array of social services to more than 2,600 Wisconsin residents living with HIV disease. AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Appleton Location AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Eau Claire Location AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Green Bay Location AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Kenosha Location AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, La Crosse Location AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Location AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Superior Location AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Schofield Location For more information: www.arcw.org. Wyoming AIDS Education and Training Center For more information: www.wyaetc.org. Copyright 2018, Positive Health Publications, Inc. This magazine is intended to enhance your relationship with your doctor - not replace it! Medical treatments and products should always be discussed with a licensed physician who has experience treating HIV and AIDS!