Alcohol & HIV Nutrition: |
By: Alan Lee, RD, CDE, CDN, CFT
This article will explore the nutritional value of alcoholic beverages, alcohol’s effect on essential nutrients, evidenced-based hangover remedies, risks vs. benefits of alcohol, and guidelines for what the definition of moderate drinking is. Humankind knew how to brew before we learned how to bake. Alcoholic beverages are usually compromised of water, pure alcohol (ethanol – chemical name), and variable amounts of calories. You have probably heard that alcohol calories are “empty calories” and this is because alcohol provides little amounts of vitamins and minerals. What kind of nutrient is alcohol? Is it a carbohydrate, protein, or fat? None of the above. Alcohol is its own nutrient! And as you can see in the table below……it is closer in caloric density to dietary fat than it is to starches or carbohydrates! As a diabetes educator, I remind people living with diabetes that alcohol DECREASES blood sugar and it is a nutrition myth that alcohol increases blood sugar levels. Nutrient (Macronutrient) Calories per gram What counts as one (1) alcohol choice? (Each choice is 12-14 grams of ethanol) Alcohol is also a drug and is legally available in the United States for adults over the age of 21 years. Some enjoy alcohol in moderation for a lifetime and a good amount of research has shown that people who choose to drink “moderate” amounts of alcohol regularly are potentially less likely to have heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and gallstones. Remember the French Paradox in the news? There appear to be polyphenols in red wine (namely reservatrol and quercitin) that may have a cardio-protective effect. A hangover (defined as feeling sick and tired, headache, dry mouth) is a very common effect after an episode of heavy drinking. Excessive or binge drinking is not recommended as it can lead to vomiting, amplified emotional reactions, poor motor skills, and unconsciousness. Binge drinking is defined as (4) four or more drinks within two hours for women and (5) five or more drinks within two hours for men. Heavy drinking is defined as more than (3) drinks on any day or more than (7) seven drinks a week for women and more than (4) four drinks on any day or more than 14 drinks a week for men. There are no known evidence-based hangover cures. Purported hangover remedies can alleviate the symptoms of a hangover and lessen the perception of the time it takes to get over one. A recent study done in Australia looked at pear juice and preliminary evidence that it may inhibit a key enzyme in alcohol metabolism. But nothing definitive seems to work. Alcoholism can be a major cause of nutritional deficiency in people living with HIV. Those who take in more than 30% of their total calories from alcohol are more likely to have significant deficiencies in micronutrients such as folate, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin A & C as well as all macronutrients.
In conclusion, alcohol is a nutrient that has two distinct faces. On one hand, moderate drinking is associated with lower rates of some conditions. On the other hand, heavy drinking can damage the liver/heart, lead to cancer, and interfere with relationships for you. If you choose to drink alcohol, then do so in moderation. Moderation means no more than two (2) alcohol choices for men and one (1) alcohol choice for women per day according to the USDA. If you do not already drink alcohol regularly, there is not enough evidence to suggest that you should start drinking. About the author:
Copyright 2018, Positive Health Publications, Inc. This magazine is intended to enhance your relationship with your doctor - not replace it! Medical treatments and products should always be discussed with a licensed physician who has experience treating HIV and AIDS! |